After two years of negotiations with Unions, during which time the Company agreed a number of compromises, the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has decided to bring negotiations relating to live-on board arrangements to a conclusion.
The Company has agreed a generous package of measures in return for changes to working practices with one of the Unions, but has so far been unable to reach agreement with Nautilus. The negotiations seem to have reached an impasse. As a consequence, the Company has written to the Union to set-out the various options open to its members.
The purpose of the changes to working practices is to improve the reliability and resilience of services for the benefit of customers and the travelling public.
Manxman has already started to demonstrate the flexibility of its design, carrying out Monday morning’s 02:15 sailing despite the cancellation of the preceding 20:00 departure.
The Company is keen to resolve the matter in an amicable way, as soon as possible, in order to maintain its focus on fully realising the step change in its services to customers recently facilitated by the introduction of its new flagship “Manxman”.