


The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company will support the ground-breaking Darvill Racing team this year.

The long-established team plans to make history by racing an electric bike alongside conventional machines at the 2014 Steam Packet Southern 100 International Road Races, which are being sponsored by the Company for the 15th year in a row.

Darvill Racing will be factory-supported by Brammo in the USA, using the firm’s eSuperStock and TTXP2 machines, and it will be the first time ever that eBikes have competed against traditional internal combustion engine motorcycles at a pure road race.

The team has been asked to attend the International Business Festival in Liverpool in June alongside the Department of Economic Development to help promote the Island’s clean technology sector.

The Steam Packet Company will meet the cost of transporting the team and its machines to and from the event.

Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: ‘As long-time sponsors of the Southern 100, we are really excited that the Billown circuit will see a world first in 2014.

‘It is another example of the Isle of Man leading the way, and I’m pleased we are able to support Darvill Racing to attend the International Business Festival, to showcase what the Island is doing in the clean technology sector.’

Team Principal Alex Aitchison said: ‘We are extremely pleased to be making history at the Southern 100 and proud to have been asked to help represent the Isle of Man at the International Business Festival.

‘I’d like to thank the Steam Packet Company, which has been a supporter of the Southern 100 and road racing in the Island for many years, for meeting the cost of our team attending the festival and I hope there are other opportunities for us to work together in 2014.’