


BALLAKERMEEN High School students visited the Sea Terminal to look behind the scenes at the Ferry Travel Shop as part of their course.

The year 12 students are studying for an Edexcel BTEC First Travel and Tourism course and one of the key elements is customer service.

They met customer service staff within the Ferry Travel Shop and other key Steam Packet Company personnel.

Teacher Nicky McDaid explained: ‘One of the main areas the students were researching was Steam Packet Company’s Passenger Charter and how it influences policies, staffing and processes.

‘We use visits such as these to enhance the students’ understanding and give them first-hand experience of what it would be like to work behind the scenes somewhere like the Steam Packet Company.

‘This kind of experience is invaluable to the students. Given that we live on such a small island, it can be a challenge to get access to examples of tourism businesses, and to provide students with the experience they need in order to understand certain aspects of the course and achieve their standards.’

Marketing Manager Renée Caley: ‘We’ve always invested a significant amount of time and training towards providing first-class customer service, as it’s vital to any successful business. We are pleased that the work we are undertaking within this area allows us to assist students, such as those from Ballakermeen, on a regular basis.’

Students and teachers from Ballakermeen High School pictured on their recent research visit to the Steam Packet Company, with Passenger Services Coordinator, Lisa Broadbent (far left), Marketing Manager Renee Caley (second from left) and Douglas Terminal Manager, Wayne Lisy (third from left)

Students and teacher from Ballakermeen High School pictured on their recent research visit to the Steam Packet Company, with Passenger Services Coordinator, Lisa Broadbent (far left), Marketing Manager Renee Caley (second from left) and Douglas Terminal Manager, Wayne Lisy (third from left).