


The Steam Packet Company is supporting an adventurous Manxman’s attempt to break a cycling world record.

Paul Ashley-Unett will set off from Regent Street in Douglas next month and bid to become the fastest person to cycle around the globe. To achieve it, he must cycle 18,000 miles inside 163 days, the current world record set by Vin Cox in August 2010. For Paul, it will be the ultimate endurance cycle which will see him cycling a minimum of 135miles per day every day for more than five months.

The challenge will also raise important funds for Paul’s two chosen charities – the Manx Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Article 25.

The MSPCA promotes and looks after animal welfare in the Isle of Man, with an average of 1,600 animals and birds admitted to the sanctuary at Ard Jerkyll each year. The funds raised by Paul will go towards building a new pool area for treating grey seals, which are a familiar sight around the Island but rare in the rest of the world.

Article 25 is a UK charity that designs, builds and manages projects around the world to provide better shelter wherever there is disaster, poverty, or need.

The Steam Packet Company is supporting Paul’s efforts by providing free travel off the Island – and for the return journey home, whenever that might be.

Paul started his love affair with cycling by tackling the TT course while at high school and has since cycled through England, Europe and across Canada.

‘The world record attempt will be the ultimate endurance, an obsession that I will live, eat and breathe,’ explained Paul, 28, who is training to be an architect. ‘The start will be important to set the right momentum to continue around the globe and that’s why I’m pleased the Steam Packet Company is helping to provide safe passage off the Island, and will bring me home after I’ve cycled 18,000 miles around the world - hopefully setting a new world record for the Island in the process.’

Paul is using both traditional and social media to raise awareness of his exploits and as he crosses the globe he will share his thoughts, pictures, highs and lows via his website, blog, Facebook and Twitter profiles, along with video updates on YouTube. He’ll also be using Global Positioning equipment so supporters can follow his daily progress.

'We are thrilled that Paul has chosen to support us,’ said MSPCA fundraiser Margaret Mansfield. ‘We are celebrating our 115th birthday in 2012 and we send Paul and Orry, the Manx cat (stuffed!) which he is taking with him on his travels, our best wishes for a safe journey.’

Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: ‘The Isle of Man has a proud cycling tradition and Paul’s world record attempt is another example of someone pushing themselves to the peak of physical fitness. The Island also has a fantastic reputation when it comes to the generosity of our community and the willingness to support charitable endeavours. We’re delighted to be able to offer Paul a helping hand along the way – and, of course, welcome him home when his challenge is completed.’

Anyone interested in supporting Paul’s efforts can contact him at [email protected] or visit to learn more about this world record challenge.

Paul Cycles World sponsorship

Cyclist Paul Ashley-Unett receives his tickets from Steam Packet Company Marketing Manager Renée Caley ahead of his world record attempt.