


Repairs to a faulty gearbox on Manannan are progressing and are expected to be completed by the weekend of September 17-18.

A fault was detected in one of the four gearboxes towards the end of July, which resulted in Manannan having to sail on reduced power until the gearbox was repaired. This has meant that crossing times have been typically taking 3 hours instead of 2 hours 30 minutes.

Chief Executive Mark Woodward explained: ‘The damaged components of the failed gearbox have been under repair for the past few weeks at the manufacturer’s workshop in Germany.

‘We received the first consignment 10 days ago and this has already been reinstated. The final consignment is due to leave the manufacturer’s premises this coming weekend and should arrive on-Island in the early part of next week, at which point the rebuild of the gearbox will be completed and tests carried out.

‘All being well, we would expect the vessel to be sailing at normal power by the end of next weekend.’

Mr Woodward added: ‘The fault in the gearbox is extremely disappointing, as all four gearboxes were overhauled and serviced last winter as a precautionary measure by the manufacturer’s approved service.’