


The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has given members of the Island’s largest heritage charity an insight into the work which goes on behind the scenes.

During a visit to the Company, members of the Friends of Manx National Heritage experienced the ‘Hidden Ben’. The behind-the-scenes tour of the Ben-my-Chree included a trip to the bridge, engine control room, galley and crew areas.

FMNH is the largest heritage charity in the Island with over 6,000 members and is committed to supporting the work of Manx National Heritage and preserving our unique Island heritage.

Development and Administration Officer of FMNH, Nicola Pemberton, said: “It was absolutely fascinating to see behind the scenes. I think it opened a lot of people’s eyes. The crew were fantastic; they were so helpful and extremely welcoming and really looked after us. The visit was very informative and it was lovely to see the people and facilities passengers don’t usually get to see. It was a real insight into what is a very hard working ship.”

Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: “I am delighted with the success of this visit. To give people a behind-the-scenes tour of the Ben-my-Chree and to then be able to show what our hard-working crews do on a daily basis is certainly something special. It’s great to see residents enjoying and taking a huge amount of interest in one of the most reliable ships ever used by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.”

Max National Heritage

FMNH Development and Administration Officer Nicola Pemberton (right in red jacket) and members of the charity, with Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Captain Terry Moore (Centre), Chief Officer Chris Bowen (third right) and Second Officer Tony Wright (far right).