


The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has announced the appointment of two new non-executive directors to its Board.

Andrea Finegan and Erik Østergaard have been appointed to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of Gordon Parsons and Dyson Bogg of Macquarie. This brings to an end the role of Macquarie in relation to the management of the Company, and demonstrates the increasingly active support of the Company’s lending syndicate.

Mrs Finegan is a member of the Institute of Directors and of the Chartered Financial Analysts’ Society of the UK and has over 10 years’ experience as a board member of a number of infrastructure companies. Most recently she was the Chief Operating Officer for ING Infrastructure Funds. Mrs Finegan will be the first woman to serve on the Board of the Company in its 180 year history.

Mr Østergaard is the Chief Executive Officer of the trade organisation Danish Transport & Logistics representing around 3,000 Danish transport and logistics companies. He has extensive board experience with a number of European shipping concerns in a career that has spanned over 30 years in shipping.

Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Chairman, Robert Quayle said, “I know that Andrea and Erik will make a significant contribution to the Board of the Steam Packet Company. Their extensive experience in the shipping and infrastructure sectors will be of considerable benefit to the Company as it seeks to meet the challenges of the future in its 180th year of serving the people of the Isle of Man. We are also pleased that their appointment confirms the commitment of the Company’s Bankers to the Company’s future and we are grateful for their excellent support.”

Pictured are Andrea Finegan and Erik Østergaard.

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