


Children from a Douglas school have been learning how to travel by sea with the help of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.

The children, aged four and five from Ballacloan School, spent a morning at the Sea Terminal and were shown by Passenger Services Supervisor Richard Hird how bookings are made for the ferry, as they made reservations for their specially created “cruise”. Once they checked-in and received their boarding cards, the children went through the security area before being given a tour of Manannan.

Reception Teacher Sarah Goldie said: “This term the children have been learning about travel and journeys.  They really enjoyed the trip to the Sea Terminal and were all very eager to discuss it afterwards. Children of this age learn through experiences and it was great to give them the opportunity to learn firsthand about the stages involved in making a journey by boat.  The children were shown how bookings were made and Richard was brilliant at explaining to them what he was doing and their attentiveness demonstrated their interest.  The Steam Packet Company staff who showed the children around the boat were very patient with the children and the children were very interested in what they had to say.  They knew what would interest the children, including the folding tables and the captain’s seat and wheel!  The children also loved the fact they had each been given a book as a gift.  All parents and staff accompanying the children on the trip commented on how much they, and the children, had enjoyed it and how well organised and presented it was for the age of the children.  They were all very impressed and said the staff were friendly and professional.”

Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: “I’m delighted we were able to help the children understand the stages involved in making a journey by ferry. I’m pleased to hear the youngsters and the staff at Ballacloan School had a good time as our staff and crew enjoyed showing the children around and answering all their questions.”

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