


Two Isle of Man Steam Packet Company crew members have been praised for their bravery and quick thinking by the ship’s Captain after they launched a successful rescue mission to recover a young man from the River Mersey.

Whilst the Viking was loading at the Liverpool Landing Stage in preparation for its voyage to the Isle of Man on Friday 9th May, it was reported that a man had jumped into the River Mersey in the vicinity of the terminal building. The Viking immediately informed the Liverpool Coastguard and Mersey Radio VTS, and her port side rescue boat was launched at 18.40.

The crew members recovered the casualty at 18.46 transferred him to the landing stage where the local emergency services were waiting to take care of him. The Viking’s rescue boat was recovered shortly afterwards and loading operations resumed.

Isle of Man Steam Packet Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: “Fortunately this incident was quickly reported and emergency procedures ensured that the casualty was brought ashore without delay. I am extremely proud of the Viking crew, particularly the two crew members who demonstrated a high level of seamanship in handling the boat on and off the fall with a strong ebb tide from astern, recovering the casualty into the boat with great speed and efficiency.”