


 An Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Charity Golf Day raised a fantastic £7,000 for the Joey Dunlop Foundation, with Total (Isle of Man) taking first prize in the stableford competition.

The event at the Castletown Golf Links Hotel raised £6,660 – which the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has topped up to £7,000.

The presentation of the funds raised will take place on Saturday, June 7th, when a cheque will be handed over to a representative from the Joey Dunlop Foundation at the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company TT races on the Billown Circuit.

Amongst the many prizes on offer, each member of the winning Total team received a trophy and a standard Isle of Man Steam Packet Company return foot passenger ticket, along with other goodies.

But it’s not all about the winning: there was a special prize for the team that picked up the wooden spoon, Trade Distribution, whose team members also won a boat trip – to the Calf of Man, to enjoy a day out with their families!
Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: ‘It was a superb day’s entertainment, and all in a very worthwhile cause.

“We would like to thank those businesses who joined in the fun on the day and helped raise these much needed funds for the Joey Dunlop Foundation.

“The Dunlop name is synonymous with the TT, and Manx road racing in general, and the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has had a long connection with sponsoring road racing, both as part of the TT and the Southern 100 on the Billown Circuit. So when we were trying to decide on a charity to benefit from the Golf Day, the Joey Dunlop Foundation seemed a fitting choice.”

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