


The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company anticipates that certain sailings over the next eight days may be affected by restricted water depths at the entrance to Heysham Port and prevailing tidal conditions. The Port of Heysham is becoming increasingly subject to tidal restrictions, and the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company is working closely with Mersey Docks and Harbour Company (owners of the Port of Heysham) in an effort to improve the situation.

Sailings that may be affected by low water are as follows:

Sunday 11 May
12:15 arrival at Heysham – anticipated arrival at 12:45.

Monday 12 May
12:15 arrival at Heysham – anticipated arrival at 14:00. As a consequence the 14:15 and the 19:45 sailings could be delayed by approximately 60 minutes.

Tuesday 13 May
The 08:45 departure will depart at 08:15 arriving Heysham at 12:00.  Foot passengers are requested to check in by 08:00 and vehicle passengers are requested to check in by 07:45.
The 14:15 sailing from Heysham may be delayed until approximately 15:00.

Wednesday 14 May
The 14:15 sailing may be delayed until approximately 16:00 with an arrival at Douglas at 19:30. As a consequence, the 19:45 may depart at approximately 20:30 arriving at Heysham at midnight.

All sailing times given are approximate as tidal conditions may be affected by local weather conditions and barometric conditions on the day.  Unless otherwise specified, passengers are requested to check in as normal, as every effort will be made to sail as near to schedule as possible.

The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company wishes to apologise to all affected passengers and will make every effort to minimize any inconvenience.

For more information:
Reservations    661661 or 0871 222 1 333