


Snaefell will bring 480 visitors to Peel tomorrow (Wednesday) for a special day trip package.

Following the announcement of the trip in early June, tickets sold out and Snaefell will leave Belfast at 10.30 and bring a full vessel to Peel at 12.30.

Those passengers who have opted for the package will be treated to a tour, taking in Kirk Michael, Sulby, the Point of Ayre, Ramsey and Douglas before returning to Peel for the 22.00 return sailing.

Passengers who have opted out of the package deal will be free to enjoy the sights and sounds around Peel, with Manx National Heritage extending the opening hours of the House of Manannan for the day.

Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: “We are delighted with the response on this special offer. It’s a great opportunity for visitors from Northern Ireland to get a taste of what the Island has to offer.

“We are particularly grateful to Manx National Heritage for agreeing to open the House of Manannan later, which will give more day-trippers the chance to visit what is a fantastic attraction.”