Author: Isle of Man Steam Packet Co.

The wake of a vessel seen as white lines in a relatively calm blue sea, looking to a distant cloudy horizon

IOMSPC Answers

We’re very proud to be a Manx-based and Manx-owned Company. We’re a topic of conversation as much as the weather (quite often in the same breath) and we know that there are always more questions that people would like to have answered. We did a quick trawl of social media, and sat down with our […]

Hamilton – Theatre Breaks with Steam Packet Holidays

Hamilton the musical is a multi award-winning masterpiece by Lin-Manuel Miranda. This is the story of America’s Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the West Indies who became George Washington’s right-hand man during the Revolutionary War and helped shape the very foundations of the America we know today. The score blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B and Broadway – the story of America then, as told by America now.