
IOMSPC unveil strategic reset of pricing for 2025 sailing schedule


The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company is today pleased to announce a strategic reset to its fare system to make ferry travel more affordable, accessible, and transparent for customers across a wide range of private and business sectors. 


The move to improve the system showcases IOMSPC’s commitment to listening to passenger feedback and improving the service to provide customers with an affordable, reliable, and high-quality service.


It further underscores the Company’s deep commitment to the success of the Isle of Man economy and providing opportunities to grow business.


Brian Thomson, IOMSPC Managing Director, said: “This package of measures is the latest step in a pivot into a true ‘customer first’ strategy. We are committed to listening to the feedback of our customers - on and off the island - and trying to shape our services to have the biggest positive impact on the social well-being of the island as well supporting sustainable economic development.”

Mr Thomson concluded, “We believe these changes will make fares more affordable, accessible and transparent to everyone.”

The Headlines:

From the publication of the 2025/6 schedule on Thursday 24 October:

  • 10% reduction in ‘Flexi’ fares
  • Harmonisation of driven and unaccompanied freight rates
  • Private vans bookable online
  • Extension of published schedule
  • Children to travel for free

The Details

  • 10% reduction in ‘Flexi’ fares – Excluding TT, all standard Flexi fare prices will be discounted 10% from 2024 rates, without any inflationary increase added as allowed by the Sea Services Agreement for 2025. 
  • Harmonisation of driven and unaccompanied freight rates – all published meterage rates for driven and unaccompanied freight vehicles will be brought into line, saving self-propelled freight customers (eg. rigid lorries and articulated tractor trailer units) more than 30% on current rates.
  • Private vans bookable online - Private customers will be able to make their booking via the website, at a similar rate to private cars and benefit from the convenience as well as the discount for bookings made online. Vans used for commercial purposes will still be required to book through the freight office. 
  • Extension of published schedule – the schedule will run up to mid-May 2026. This allows travellers and businesses to secure bookings further out and provides more certainty and clarity about services.
  • All children under 16 years of age will travel free - All year. All sailings. Regardless of ticket type.

This is in addition to the previously announced end of 24/48 hour penalty fares for foot passengers and vehicle passengers respectively.

The Company believes these initiatives will be an important step towards making it:

  • More affordable - Offer more competitive passenger and freight pricing to provide better value for all customers and to support local businesses. 
  • More accessible - Provide a larger range of customers the opportunity to enjoy ferry travel. 
  • More transparent - Make fares simpler and easier to understand by reducing the complexity of the pricing system to streamline the booking process. 

The Company continues to analyse the results of the customer research undertaken over the previous year and expects to release further improvements to its services, offers and customer experience over the course of 2025.